Though there are some works and papers on this, there remains to be a complete Quantum Theory of Gravitation.
I feel it has been intentionally omitted and suppressed because of its true freedom giving answers: 〈a〉 Near instantaneous same day travel across the universe and back in 〈b〉 fully operational traversable wormholes with clear magnetic mass membranes cleaning space allowing almost infinite acceleration of light and 〈c〉 in sending a test charge into the hole, infinite free and clean energy is extracted ∞
The above M Equation is a close approximation based on the image transmitted to me by a very mild mannered dark blue Grey type Star Scientist in 2005 under priority Council directive and similar work on the Kerr Black Hole: “The Quantum Mass Spectrum of the Kerr Black Hole” J.D. Bekenstein, Center for Relativity Theory University of Texas.
Common operators are:
M = mass energy, Q = charge & J = angular momentum.

NYC Manhattan 2007


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to have found you on FB, although my computer is dying and I cannot get this out on FB or email. Thus, to contact you through your blog, although I don't want to blog about this. I hope you get this.
Jeffrey, I'm so happy that you believe in positive contact and outlook. All these years of a (necessary) amazement at the "ET Phenomena" has brought some blind, ignorant, confused and phony ones on board.

Their interest has neglected the importance of the Star Beings. We all know this has been a divergent away from what is really happening; and media-controlled scary aliens fit into the agenda to keep people down and ignorant.

But you decline the common alien stuff, and are resonating with others like the Star Beings who are good and benevolent. They have guided me all my life, they have taken me in their ships consciously, and have groomed me for what is actually a Disclosure Of The Proper Kind:

The release of the major event picture UPLINK 2012.the countdown. I am in the Entertainment Community, and am well equipped to produce this many film extravaganza. It would come out as time winds down to 2012 - just in time to inform many people taken in by propaganda and negative fear manipulations, and don't understand what this reality is about. It boils down to fear, slavery and extinction versus a glorious new existence. I'm glad you are one of the good guys in the mind maze.

I wrote it in 1995 for Chris Carter of XFiles, but I never let him see it, because it was too holy and not scarey alienish enough. Its purpose was to wait until NOW.

Please look at the short website for UPLINK 2012.the countdown - the screenplay written by me with them.

And from there, also see what the Beings have caused to be: FUTURE.TIME Cosmic Architecture Theme Parks, Fun.Zones for Kids, and Play.Places for Teens, Leisure, Restaurants, and more run off alternate energy; and 70 inventions, Plasticlight Interlink Technologies and Interlink Bank.

Soon I'll release the screenplay to a few select people, I'll get it to you.

If I can help you in any manner, please I'd LOVE to meet with you in NYC.



UPLINK.2012.the countdown:



Anonymous said...

Jeffrey, I'm so happy that you believe in positive contact and outlook. All these years of a (necessary) amazement at the "ET Phenomena" has brought some blind, ignorant, phony ones on board. Their interest has neglected the importance of the Star Beings. We all know this has been a divergent away from what is really happening; and media-controlled scary aliens fit into the agenda to keep people down and ignorant.

But you decline the common alien stuff, and are resonating with others like the Star Beings who are good and benevolent. They have guided me all my life, they have taken me in their ships consciously, and have groomed me for what is actually a Disclosure Of The Proper Kind:

The release of the major event picture UPLINK 2012.the countdown. I am in the Entertainment Community, and am well equipped to produce this many film extravaganza. It would come out as time winds down to 2012 - just in time to inform many people taken in by propaganda and negative fear manipulations, and don't understand what this reality is about. It boils down to fear, slavery and extinction versus a glorious new existence. I'm glad you are one of the good guys in the mind maze.

I wrote it in 1995 for Chris Carter of XFiles, but I never let him see it, because it was too holy and not scarey alienish enough. Its purpose was to wait until NOW.

Please look at the short website for UPLINK 2012.the countdown.

And from there, also see what the Beings have caused to be: FUTURE.TIME Cosmic Architecture Theme Parks, Fun.Zones for Kids, and Play.Places for Teens, Leisure, Restaurants, and more run off alternate energy; and 70 inventions, Plasticlight Interlink Technologies and Interlink Bank.

Soon I'll release the screenplay to a few select people, I'll get it to you soon.

If I can help you in any manner, please I'd LOVE to meet with you in NYC.



UPLINK.2012.the countdown:

